Hope in Jesus, P.
Hope In Jesus, BANGALORE, KARNATAKA (Regional Office)
After the prayer I felt the pains reduced and I felt much better. a very anointed Pastor who prayed for me wholeheartedly upon hearing my prayer request. On the 20th December, 2018 I decided to attend the meeting. Paul Dhinakaran, for people to receive prayer for their needs all the 24 hours globally through digital, broadcast, print media as well as in. I was informed that Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Petaling Jaya were having regular Healing Meetings. Over 121 Prayer Towers have been established in over 10 countries according to the vision God gave to late Bro. Hope in Jesus, Keston Road, Vellayambalam, Kowdiar P.O Trivandrum 695 003, Kerala, India Israel Prayer Tower DIVINE PLAN Jesus Calls Ministries, through its various facets, takes the love of Jesus Christ with His compassion and power across the world. The Voice of the Martyrs is an American nondenominational ministry serving persecuted Christians in restricted and hostile countries around the world. Hope In Jesus, TRIVANDRUM, KERALA (Registered Office)